
What would it feel like to nurture life-sustaining connections, kinship, and intimacy across difference and beyond borders?

The manifestations of care and healing are made possible through relationship.
I've held many spaces for connection—(self)compassion gatherings, design for wellbeing sessions, learning communities, and storytelling circles—all with a desire to bring us closer to ourselves and to each other.

As I hold space for the necessary work, the work is also happening within me:
I am a commitment to intimacy throughout the uncertainties of (chosen) migration.

This has been my embodied commitment for over a year of generative somatics practice. When I say intimacy, I mean a sensuous surrender to interdependence and kinship while remembering “my journey is not solitary,” in the words, and inhales, of Cole Arthur Riley.

I’m in a time of expansion and deepening my understanding and practice of intimacy by breathing it and living it alongside those who want to practice it, too.

Opportunities to engage with the intimate communities I’m building are arriving in the coming months. I’m excited to meet you there soon.